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Half a life-time ago, there lived in one of the  Richmond, Virginia  dales a single woman, of the name of. Jane  Arrington .She was owner of the small farm-house where she resided, and of some thirty or forty acres of land by which it was surrounded. In the language of the country she was widow. Her house is yet to be seen on the Duval road, between Turpin and Leigh. Some miles on this side of  Leigh there is a farmstead--a gray stone house, and a square of farm-buildings surrounding a green space of rough turf, in the midst of which stands a mighty, funereal umbrageous yew, making a solemn shadow, as of death, in the very heart and centre of the light and heat of the brightest summer day. On the side away from the house, this yard slopes down to a dark-brown pool, which is supplied with fresh water from the overflowings of a stone cistern, into which some rivulet of the brook before-mentioned continually and melodiously falls bubbling. 



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  5. Help is appreciated :)

  6. This story is true ???

  7. VERY IMPRESSIVE! ! nice job !!!

  8. I`love it. Thank you so much


  10. Lol what a coincidence..

  11. Very nice!

  12. yo d best alwayssss :)

  13. Thank you so much. It's a fantastic article. You are great!!!!!!

  14. This is amazing! Thank you.

  15. Wauww wonderful!!!

  16. Églantine S. DempseyDecember 20, 2015 at 2:37 PM

    Simple as it is.

  17. Eléonore R. FurtadoDecember 20, 2015 at 2:38 PM

    Awesome, best wishes for you & your pretty family ! :)

  18. Just amazing!

  19. in fact very inspiring.

  20. Priscilla O. SchuetteDecember 20, 2015 at 2:42 PM

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  21. That's a pretty awesome

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  23. Very nice, informative, and amusing Thanks!

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  27. Well Done. True basics in a nut shell.

  28. Thanks, very simply explained.

  29. thank you sir

  30. thank you sir,excellent teaching

  31. Just soo addictive..Just loved your way of teaching.

  32. Very simple, very well put.

  33. That really helped tnx xx u humour is quite great x

  34. Thanks teacher. You are fun to listen to also. Thanks for sharing your knowledge


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